
Friday, March 16, 2012

3 Formula Series: Sexy Abs Start In The Kitchen!

After busting your butt in class or pressing play every day, you keep looking in the mirror thinking that you should have results by now. Where's this six-pack I am working for??
No matter how many crunches you do, you won't get those sexy abs if you aren't following the "3 Formula" Rule: Diet, Cardio Exercise & Ab Work. This is simple, but there's some details that could allow you to reach this goal easier and faster. I will be posting three different entries here as series within this week to help draft out a plan to get those rockin' hard abs so you are READY TO HIT THE BEACH this summer! From my own experience (after having a baby) and my progressing career as a fitness trainer, I will provide the best information to my abilities to help you get there. I hope you will read along.

3 Formula Series Entry #1: Sexy Abs Are Made In The Kitchen!
You push, push, PUSH in the gym, only to go home and eat a donut, potato chips, drink at the bar every night, skip meals, lots of fast food... you name it. You cannot get excellent results without making smart options, and you cannot eat whatever you want because you are working out - it doesn't work out that way for your body to run efficiently and effectively. Anything you eat is used for fuel during your workouts, as well as recovery to gain muscle and lose fat. 
You want to have a good balance of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and monosaturated fats - plain and simple.

One example: when you consume carbs at night, you are really hurting your ability to burn fat. Our bodies produce HGH (Human Growth Hormone) while we are sleeping, to promote muscle growth and regenerate cells. When we eat carbohydrates before bedtime, our bodies release insulin, which inhibits the body's ability to produce HGH. In the end, eating pizza or ice cream before bed means FAT. Kitchen closes at 8pm! Make a Post-It Note on your fridge so you are less tempted to nosh so late. If anything, do it for your abs! Drink a cup of tea instead.

Another example is skipping breakfast. You want to become a fat burning machine, right? So after a 6-8 hour "fast," you are going to need some fuel to start that machine. Skipping breakfast is not an option! Provide your body with protein first thing in the morning and you have a better chance of controlling your portions the rest of the day and feeling energized overall. If you don't like to have much for breakfast, make it small and simple... but the rule for breakfast is: Eat something that will fuel you!
In the end, it comes to WHEN you are eating and WHAT you are eating. You wouldn't overfill your car with gas and you wouldn't keep driving it until it was completely empty, so why would you do that to your hard working body?

Need some ideas? My fridge and pantry are always stocked with this must-have list. Take a look.

List of Must-Haves in Your Kitchen:
- Plain Greek or regular yogurt. 
I add strawberries and a drizzle of honey as a snack or dessert or even breakfast
- Protein powder
You want WHEY PROTEIN. Always read the ingredients. There can be some freaky stuff in some of these powders. If you have questions, read up!
- Always have your kitchen stocked with fruit! 
Bananas, blueberries, strawberries, apples, pears... choose fruits that are easy for on the go so you are more likely to eat them!
- Veggies
No brainer, but it's very important to get these servings in each day!
- Avocadoes
Great monosaturated fat source - and for blasting belly fat
- Eggs
Low cost option to get high quality protein - as well as a good source of choline, a necessary nutrient which helps protect our livers from accumulating fat and helps with memory.
- Ground turkey
I love that it is versatile, a good protein source, and tastes really good!
- Green tea
Great fat burner and source of antioxidants
- Light string cheese
Another good protein source
- Coconut milk
Most coconut milk brands contain 50% more calcium than dairy milk and coconuts are one of the best sources of MCFA's - Medium Chain Fatty Acids which are easily burned for energy than other fats. Great for a recovery drink too.
- No sugar added chocolate milk
My recovery drink
- Packaged protein shakes
110-160 calories for each. A little more pricey than a container of protein powder, but I use them for emergency use like working long hours or I'm on the go. I use EAS AdvanEDGE.
- Whole grain English muffins
Always look for "whole grains" and not "multi-grain". The reason? It doesn't have to technically be the whole grain and could contain refined flours. Whole grains are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates - great source of fiber!
- Almond butter
Great on apples, toast, bananas, english muffins, etc.
- "Somewhat healthy" snack if you feel like 'cheating'. 
For me, this is dark chocolate. I enjoy a piece now and then.
Hopefully this list helps in shopping for your sexy abs the next time you are at the grocery store! I always, always, ALWAYS have these foods on hand, and they help my body look and feel its best.
Happy Nutrition Month!!
More later...
Peace out.

Why Work Out? Why Eat Healthy?

I'm so thriled to be pushing through my circuits each week. I tell you, doing P90X and Insanity is such a killer hybrid, and the most amazing workout combination I've ever tried. I alternate days with either so I'm working on my cardiovascular endurance as well as making time for strength training. The results are amazing and I should post another set of photos in a few weeks here once I'm ready. It's incredible what happens with these two amazing programs. Simply unbelievable.
As far as weight, I haven't lost a pound recently. It's frustrating, but on another focus too, it's not all about the numbers. I do feel stronger, but I still wish in some places my body would be smaller. haha It is the worst part about training, honestly. I can get through a wicked workout routine and come out strong, but after not seeing results after a certain time, it can be discouraging. I say to you all: Do not despair! This is the time where you can look at what you are eating, how much you are sleeping, are you really pushing? Plus, I mentioned patience too. If you are hitting all the right notes but not seeing results, muscle takes time to grow and fat takes time to lose. I keep saying this to myself and keep myself aware of my attitude and my habits. You can always make tweaks here and there.
Here is a list of my favorite healthy foods that I eat most often. Just to give you all an idea:

Breakfast Options:
- An apple w/ almond butter (I'm allergic to peanuts so this is my alternative)
- Kashi Mocha Almond or Honey Almond Flaxseed granola bars
- An orange and a scrambled egg
- Protein shake (My favorite recipe includes juices like Naked Juice Green Machine, plain Greek yogurt, protein powder, coconut milk, and ice - YUM. My power smoothie)
- Two scrambled eggs with mozzarella cheese
- A banana, honey, and almond butter on whole grain toast
- Greek yogurt with a banana
- Omelette with fresh veggies and mozzarella cheese

Lunch Options:
- Grilled chicken salad with cheese, turkey bacon, green and yellow peppers (and light ranch on the side)
- Two scrambled eggs with whole grain toast (Breakfast for Lunch! haha)
- Homemade chili with ground turkey (I'll usually make a big batch on Sunday and freeze some for an easy lunch throughout the work week)
- Turkey breast with lettuce, tomato, spinach, and salsa con queso on a whole grain wrap with a side of cooked asparagus
- Protein shake (if I'm on the run that day)
- Light string cheese and an apple
- Roasted chicken with veggies
- Cumin Garbanzo beans, veggies, and chopped baked chicken

Dinner Options:
- Honestly, as same as lunch. I'm usually working later into the evening, so it's whatever I can find that is healthy on the go. Of course, on nights where I am home, I enjoy making some lean protein (like grilled chicken, sirloin, etc.) with lots of baked veggies like asparagus, Brussels sprouts, spinach salad, you name it. I keep it very light at night, only because I am more likely to have a big lunch than a big dinner.

Dessert Options:
- Dark chocolate (small portion, but I cannot deny myself)
- Plain Greek yogurt with honey and blueberries/strawberries
- Whole grain English muffin with strawberry cream cheese
- Chocolate protein shake
- Lots of fruit!
- Kashi bars
- Trail mix with almonds, dried cranberries/blueberries, sunflower seeds
- Chocolate covered strawberries, almonds, blueberries, pomegranates, or espresso beans
If I'm really craving something very sweet like a sinful dessert, I'll either go out with friends and enjoy the real thing, or make a healthier version from my own recipes or my healthy friends' recipes. I never use a bad recipe, and no one would ever know I use black beans for brownies and protein powder in chocolate cake at my recipes at home. They are gone within a few days! That aside, I am usually satisfied with one of the listed desserts above.

Worst Pitfalls:
This is where I have problems. Haha! The foods that I have a hard time giving up completely... which is why I don't eat out very often!
- Hot chicken wings
- Beer and wine (never had more than a small glass, but alcohol defeats your fat burning potential)
- Chicago deep dish pizza with grilled chicken, spinach, bacon, and peppers...
- Applebee's Chicken Fajita Roll-up with Mexi-Ranch (it's been my favorite for years! haha)
- Nachos with everything - ground beef, cheese, beans, jalapenos, you name it.
- Juicy, BIG burgers with so much inside, you can't even eat around it!

SO... there you go. My list.

Why do I choose to eat healthy?
It gives me energy, first of all. I love the tastes of real food... I can watch people eat donuts and not feel a twinge of temptation, only because I know how I would feel afterwards (Tired and cranky!) and that it tastes fake to me. If you wanted to seriously make my day, give me an orange or apple at work. I'm not kidding - something so fresh and bright like that is better than any donut or cookie I could eat at work. Look at it from that angle. It comes as a lifestyle now. If I want something special, I have it, but I enjoy it with immense pleasure and call it a day. That's it. Next meal is healthy and I'm back to my energetic self. I'm always going to be talking about a lifestyle here - not a quick fix.
Why do I choose to work out?
Again - for energy. To feel strong. After you tackle the craziest, sickest workout you ever done in your life... you go shower, dress for work, and you feel like a freakin' machine the entire rest of your day! I find that after doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), for example, I am walking taller, feeling more confident, and when I sit down to figure out how I want to schedule each day, I do it with energy, passion, all with goals in mind. There is no laziness for me. I am motivated. It's the most refreshing feeling I've ever felt in my life. I have energy to play with my son! It's a huge motivation. On some days, I'll throw in a P90X DVD and my son will do it with me. He'll smile and high-five me after a hard move. He's only 2 years old, but he is also learning about the importance of regular physical activity too and that it can be fun and challenging. I cannot put a price tag on that!

My thoughts for the day. Thanks for reading.
Peace out, everyone.
Keep staying strong.

Welcome to Mission: The Fit Life!

My very first entry on my own fitness & nutrition blog, FINALLY! Yes! I'll tell you one thing - it's going to be a RIDE, people!!

Welcome. For those of you who do not know me well, my name is Jen. I'm a young woman with very strong passions for so many great fields in this life... it's been difficult to choose only one. I have spent two years working as a veterinary assistant, two years working in a bistro (where I learned how to REALLY cook!), I'm a writer, and progressing fitness trainer. The field of nutrition and fitness is certainly my biggest passion. I love to release my untamed enthusasim for such opportunities, which you will see evident here.

ANYWAYS... beginning now...

What should I ramble about today? I've never really done a blog like this. I'd have to say I am thrilled to see where I am now than I was even a year ago - that is certain. Even this morning, I noticed I have so much more lean muscle than I've ever had! I'm not going extreme to where I am purely burned out - I always take my 1-2 rest days a week. I started to notice real changes after doing HIIT 2-3 times a week and 2-3 kickboxing sessions. I have to say that HIIT is that extra motivation your body needs to get the last amount of fat off your body. It's quick - I only do 15-25 minutes of it - but it's what my body needed. I am recommending it!

Another change? I've noticed I don't bake as often as I did growing up. Even in my late teens when I was about 95lbs and 5'2'', I would bake and bake all the time. I was thin, but I had SO much sugar and I was so tired all the time. Now I find myself craving a strawberry/banana protein shake for breakfast and I don't have the desire for any kind of white bread or bakery goods. Strange? No... I wouldn't say so. It feels great not to be tempted by such demons anymore, haha. Saves so much money too. I embrace it all. Whenever I do crave something sweet, I've discovered my own ways to take an original recipe and make it healthier by making smart switches in ingredients. It has become automatic now and I love it. I'll share recipes on here, I promise!

For all of you who feel stuck now on a plateau or don't know how to get started, it DOES get easier with time. Everyone has a different metabolism, battle, goal, etc. and I have recently - ONLY recently! - discovered mine. Oh well! You build and learn from everything else around you; learn from your body too.

Here is a quick list of my overall discoveries so far. I hope in this, you can be inspired too.

- My body loves protein and doesn't do very well with a lot of carbs. I eat a lot of chicken, turkey, eggs, protein shakes, vegetables, and fruits, but when it comes to breads, I stick to options like whole grain English muffins and oatmeal and only one to two servings a day (to keep energy high).

- I watch my sugar intake to under 30g a day. I haven't had soda pop in almost 5 years! I don't miss it at all. I enjoy my sweet stuff on something I really want. Example: Dark chocolate-covered espresso beans!!

- Confession: I LOVE dark chocolate-covered espresso beans (and basically any fruit covered in chocolate too) - see bullet note above. This is something I will spend extra money on and enjoy at least once every few days. I cannot give this up.

- My weekly workout schedule looks like this: 2-3 days a week HIIT (usually 20-25 minutes long of HIIT, then 30-40 minutes dance or Pilates/yoga) and 2-3 days a week of kickboxing. Total: 1 hour, 5-6x a week.

- Best way to beat a plateau: Two workouts in one day! Sparks your metabolism to become a fire-burning machine. However, don't do this more than twice in one week. Don't burn yourself out!

- To stay motivated, I add new music tracks to my iPod often. Actually, I listen to music all the time - while in the car, cleaning the house, before a workout, during a workout. Music makes me thrive, become creative, feel alive!

- Kitchen is CLOSED after 8pm and alcohol intake is also limited to one glass of wine a week.

- I drink a lot of green tea, yerba mate, and iced water w/ fresh lemons.

- Subscribe to fitness/nutrition magazines! It keeps you on track and gives you some great reading. (My favorites include Shape, Women's Health, and Fitness.)

That's all I have to share today. Leave your comments and/or suggestions!
Keep up the great work, my friends. :)

Peace out.