
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Burn It Off: Ultimate Metabolism Boosters


Before you waste your hard-earned money on trash pills that do NOT work and could mess up your body's chemistry in the rate it can burn fat, listen to this:

While some weight loss programs do work (such as Weight Watchers), the weight loss pills that are on the market are not regulated by the FDA. Some of the ingredients I've seen in these "magic pills" are either useless and/or actually dangerous for your body.

Want an easier and smarter solution?

Try these affordable, safe, and effective options to boost your metabolism and help your body burn fat efficiently.

But remember: There is nothing better than a diet filled with healthy foods, a mind with a healthy attitude, and a body with a healthy regular exercise regimen. There is no magic pill or quick fix, but these excellent foods can help your body utilize missing nutrients that will make you the ultimate fat-burning machine. Read on!

Ultimate Metabolism Boosters

Cayenne Pepper
This hot pepper, along with other chili peppers such as jalapenos and habenaros, includes an ingredient called capsaicin. Why does this help with metabolism? It doubles energy disbursement about 3 hours after a meal and helps decrease appetite. Double punch!

Green Tea
I'm sure you've seen green tea pills on the shelves at the store. Why waste $10 on pills when you can pay $1.50-$2.50 for 20-40 tea bags? Green tea has been known to possess phenols - compounds that offer excellent metabolism boosting properties.

While not a weight loss miracle, coffee does contain caffeine, which has been known to increase metabolism and energy expenditure when used in moderation.

I bet you didn't think ginger would be on this list! However, it aids in digestion as well as increase body temperature and boosts your fat-burning abilities by 20% after a meal. Don't like the taste? You can purchase ginger pills for a modest price and get the same benefits as fresh ginger.

The simplest component on this list! Drink your water. It not only keeps you hydrated, but banishes bloating, increases the rate of calories burned by 30%, and is a natural appetite suppressant. So drink your water FIRST THING in the morning and throughout the day! I personally carry a big water bottle with me every day.

Fiber is the fat-burning friend right here. Apples are an excellent source of fiber, which will help keep you full so you eat less overall throughout the day.

Oranges & Grapefruit
When we stress ourselves out, our immune system is compromised and our bodies release cortisol from our adrenal glands. The result? We reach for simple carbohydrates, our cognitive functions become impaired, and we notice an increase in abdominal fat. Vitamin C (1000mg a day) helps us bounce back faster, as well as bring its antioxidant properties to our metabolism for better efficiency.

Dairy, specifically, is known to bring weight loss benefits. The winning combination of calcium, protein, and probiotics (for your digestive tract) makes yogurt one of the best metabolism boosting snacks. But watch out for yogurt loaded with sugar! Also try Greek yogurt, which has double the amount of protein than regular yogurt.

The complex carbohydrates and fat-soluble fiber in oatmeal helps keep you full and keeps your blood sugar at a stable level. A key tool in your fat loss efforts!

Protein Sources - (Such as Meat, Beans, Dairy, Cheese)
Protein helps keep you feeling satisfied as well as aid in muscle growth after strength training. More muscle (less fat) means more calories burned each day. Look for lean options like skim milk, Greek yogurt, grilled chicken, ground lean turkey or beef, beans (without the sugary BBQ sauce, please!) and 2% milk cheese.

Vitamin B Complex
Eat your nutritious foods and it's the B vitamins that metabolize carbohydrates and convert them for energy, as well as proteins and fats. These vitamins are required to create energy for your body, as well as nervous system function and blood cell physiology.

Now go use your dollars for the good listed above - not for evil pills or gimmicks!

Until next time...

Peace out,


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