"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."
(Thomas Edison)
Edison was right! And he should know - it took him 10,000 attempts to successfully invent the lightbulb! He never faltered and gave up. Because of that, we're seeing the benefits of his hard work every day when we turn on a light!
When you have those large beads of sweat dripping off your face and your muscles are burning... when you are going through a rough period in your life... big transitions... overwhelming circumstances... temptations everywhere that are threatening your goals... you name it... you know that you'll have times where you want to give in and let that negative thinking of "I can't" sneak in to your mind. I want to use this entry to encourage you today.
Complaint #1: I can't do it!
I hate these words with a PASSION! If you are constantly filling your days with these words, you are never going to get passed what you're trying to hurdle. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, my friend! Whatever you tell yourself is what's going to happen.
K.O. The Repeating Offender: STOP telling yourself you can't! First rule! Right now. Cut it out. You deserve more than that negative talk. This is the simplest part!
Fight Back: Are you feeling overwhelmed? Find an encouraging partner! We are stronger in numbers. If you have a supportive friend or someone else in the same situation as you, it's easy to get back up and stay on track because you both are a building block for the other.
Did you lose sight of your goals? We all make bad decisions! Even the most will-powered of individuals fall away from their goals sometimes. The solution? Recognize it and move on. For example, when it comes to health, just make sure your next meal is a healthy one. Don't think twice. That's it. Move on. NEVER beat yourself up. I want you to promise me that. Read up on health materials and get your head back in the game!
Complaint #2: I'm too tired!
Take a look at your lifestyle - are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating healthy foods? Are you exercising? Those three have a huge impact on your energy levels. OR... look at your mind. Are you really tired or just bored and not anticipating what you have to do?
K.O. The Repeating Offender: Change your scenery. Sometimes we feel exhausted because we're not getting enough vitamin D from the sun in our system. We're sitting too much, eating too much sugar, and sleeping less than we should. Throw on some music that makes you feel alive! (My entry of upbeat music tracks coming soon!) Light a candle with an energizing scent (think oranges or coconut!).
Fight Back: If you are really tired, give yourself a break. I mean a real break - step away from the cookie jar! Take a quick nap, call a friend, go for a walk, get some new songs for your iPod, take a relaxing shower... just pick something that will rejuvenate you so you are stronger in the next round. Don't burn yourself out - it will make you susceptible to unwise decisions, such as missing deadlines or finishing off that entire container of ice cream. Stay strong! Rest when you need it. You'll be stronger in the long run.
Complaint #3: I don't have enough time!
You have 24 hours each day with many obligations! I know it's tough! I'm constantly running around every day and always hit the bed completely exhausted. But you can change your schedule for the better.
K.O. The Repeating Offender: If you really want something, you WILL make time for it. What's in your current schedule that you can take off? Do you really have to volunteer three times a week or can you shorten it to once or twice? Are you struggling with fitting in a workout? Try working out first thing in the morning, even for just 30 minutes to start your day off on an energizing start.
Fight Back: Create a battle plan with a couple Bs and Cs if Plan A doesn't work out. Did you miss lunch? Pack a healthy lunch the night before, or make sure you have healthy options available to you at work. Write out your to-do list and how much time it takes for you to get them done. You should be able to have something you can either take off or shorten the time so you can reach your goals. Make your goals a priority rather than an option! Write them down!
A Last Word of Encouragement...
You are stronger, smarter, and more capable than you think. Don't let outside negativity rain on your parade and don't let others OR yourself lead you away from what you have always wanted. Are you struggling to lose 20 pounds? Finish your masters degree? Get that promotion? It's all going to take work. You already have all the tools. I want you to promise yourself that you will push... encourage yourself with positive words... and reach out to others who support you in your goals.
And I promise you that you will surprise yourself.
Peace out,
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