
Saturday, April 21, 2012

3 Formula Series: Sexy Abs Need Abdominal Training!

Two ingredients down - smart nutrition and regular cardio exercise - now it's down to the last ingredient for sexy abs:

Abdominal Training!

It's time to get those muscles toned up.

First things first...

This exercise is one that can done throughout the day - especially those busy days in the office.
1) While sitting (or while standing) up straight, imagine a string is pulling you high from your head.
2) Focus on pulling your navel towards your spine and tighten your abs. (This is known as an isometric contraction.)
3) Hold and release throughout the day - it's a great way to keep those abs in and make you realize they are there!

Time-Tested Abdominal Training Moves:

Reverse Crunch

On your back, bring your knees to a 90 degree angle. With your abs contracted (navel to floor), bring your bum up with your knees still held in 90 degrees. Exhale on up. Repeat 20-25 times

Basic Crunch

Classic ab move, but you want to make sure you are doing it correctly.
On your back, put your hands behind your head, your feet on the ground. Using your abs and shoulders off the ground, exhale and imagine an orange or apple under your neck as you rise - you never want to strain your neck doing this move. Repeat 20-25 times - or set a goal. 100 crunches? 200? See how many you can do.

Want more?

Try a Double Crunch - Bring your knees up in a 90 degree position and crunch the same time you lift your upper body in a crunch.

Side Crunch

Similar to the crunch, you're going to start on your back. Take your knees up to 90 degree angle and lean towards your right side. With your hands behind your head, exhale as you come up in a side crunch. Repeat 20-30 times then switch to your left side.

Plank Position

Start by laying flat on the floor. Bring yourself up to your forearms then press up onto your toes and resting on your elbows. Tilt your pelvis so you do not bring your bum up in the air. Contract your abs and hold for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Pike Crunches
Even more difficult than a Classic OR Double Crunch!

Start on your back and extend your legs. Extend your arms over your head. Contract your abs and bring both your legs (nice and straight) and arms in a "crunch" move to touch. Repeat 20-30 times.

These are classic abdominal moves that will help you obtain those sexy abs this summer season! As my blog progresses, I will post some "interesting" ab moves with photos and/or video to help you get a little crazy. Until then... here's a few to get you started!

More later!

Thanks for reading.

Peace out,


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